Science for all! New blog series
Hello dear reader!
Have you ever wondered what science goes on at KI?
Want to know more without all the science mumbo jumbo that even half the scientists don’t understand?
Looking for a quick and easy read to keep you updated with the latest research at KI?
Are you a researcher at KI and would like to show to your friends and family all the varied and amazing science we do?
If your answer is yes to at least one of these questions, then you are at the right place!
At KI, when we write our doctoral thesis we also need to write a “popular science summary”, with our science explained in an easy-to-digest way. We decided to bring these summaries to a bigger platform, in a neat and easy to find manner, so that everyone can have a peak into the amazing things that are discovered and created at KI!
Stay tuned and look for the series hashtags #themanyfacesofscience #scienceforall
by Paula Valente-Silva and Richelle Duque Björvang
Image by holdentrils from Pixabay