Behind the Scenes of the Students’ Nobel Nightcap
My Journey as an Attachée Manager
Embarking on my journey as an Attachée Manager for the Students’ Nobel Nightcap (SNNC) was both exhilarating and full of responsibilities. My task was clear: assist in recruiting attachées for the Nobel laureates of 2019 and ensure they were well-prepared to entertain the laureates during the grand event.
Why stop celebrating after the Nobel banquet?
On a dark night in 1978, an idea was born. How strange that one of the world’s most esteemed events, the Nobel Prize award ceremony, ended abruptly at midnight without a shred of proper festivities? A young student named Mats Nyqvist, who enrolled at the Stockholm School of Economics deemed this unacceptable and decided to make a change. He invited the Nobel festivities to the premises of his student association.
Since 1978, the SNNC has been an annual event following the Nobel Banquet on December 10th. Organized entirely by university students on a voluntary basis, it has become a key part of Nobel Week. Attendees include Nobel laureates, guests, academics, politicians, and other prominent figures. The event offers laureates a break from media attention and allows students to engage in Nobel celebrations and Alfred Nobel’s legacy. Unlike the Nobel banquet, no journalists are invited, and photography is prohibited. The event follows the same dress code as the rest of the Nobel party and features a secret theme revealed upon entry. The four student unions of Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology, Karolinska Institutet, and Stockholm School of Economics rotate in organizing, Thus, each university is given the opportunity to organize the event every four years. This year, the organizing baton has been passed to KI, and preparations are well underway.
Matching laureate and student
Back to SNNC 2019, the student union of Stockholm University was the organizer; however, being a volunteer was not merely exclusive to students at SU. Although planning for the party began early in the year, volunteers recruitment continued. Therefore, in September 2019, I joined the guest and safety team as Attachée Manager.
After the announcement of the Nobel Prize winners, the actual journey of being Attachée Manager commenced with extensive research about the Nobel Prize winners. Delving into their backgrounds was essential to tailor the requirements for the attachées. Following this, the search for potential attachées among PhD and master’s students began. Each step was vital in assembling a team of enthusiastic and capable individuals.
As an attaché, the primary task is to accompany the laureate and ensure they have a good time! The attachée needs to be social and outgoing. First, they need to gather as much information as possible about the assigned laureate— their interests, background, culinary preferences, and more. The attaché should also be familiar with the laureate’s work, although they should refrain from discussing it unless the laureate initiates the conversation. The goal is to facilitate relaxation and enjoyment, steering clear of work-related topics. During the party, the attaché must adhere to the dress code, which calls for whitetails.
Interviews played a crucial role in the attachées’ selection process. It was imperative to find attachées who not only met the qualifications but also shared a genuine passion for the occasion. After the interviews, I conducted comprehensive training session to equip the attachées with the knowledge and skills they needed for their roles. The training covered a wide array of topics, from the history of the SNNC and the Nobel Foundation to specific guidelines for the party. In addition, I was tasked with organizing team-building meetings and activities for the attachées, conducting tours of the venue to familiarize them with the surroundings, and ensuring that all assigned tasks were diligently executed during the party.
Memorable Moments
The day I delivered the attachées’ training was particularly memorable as it coincided with my first encounter with snow for the first time in my life. The snowfall added a magical touch to the experience, making it even more unforgettable. Another special moment happened at the Nobel Nightcap party when one of the attachées introduced me to Nobel laureate Michael Kremer as the Attachée Manager. I felt honored when the laureate praised me for the work I did in hiring the attachées. What added an extra layer of excitement was that the party theme was “Secrets”, heightening the anticipation and making the event even more thrilling. See more in the video PARTY THEME REVEAL [SNNC TEAM 2019].

More Than Just a Party
The SNNC, had a lot of internal events and meetings, like team building activates, kick off, banquet, construction week and deconstruction week, and finally a thank you party.
While the focus was on the main event, my involvement extended to various other activities with the SNNC team. This included engaging in fun team-building activities and participating in the construction and deconstruction of the venue. These experiences added depth to my journey and reinforced the sense of camaraderie among the team.
A Call to Action
As the Medicinska Föreningen of Karolinska Institute prepares for this year’s party, I encourage others to get involved. Whether volunteering, becoming an attachée, or attending the event, it’s an opportunity to be part of something truly special. The SNNC celebrates academic excellence and fosters connections that extend beyond the night itself.
For more information about Students’ Nobel NightCap 2024 and the volunteer hiring process, check their Instagram account.
At the end, I will leave you with the Student’s Nobel NightCap 2019 after movie https://youtu.be/Ud8-xxnHAYM?si=MDmOeggUIAgbUDk7