6 Career tips for this Christmas

Hej everyone,
Is that time of the year when everyone starts to think about new resolutions for the New Year, or change plans and routines for the coming year.
Today, I will suggest 6 (because its day 6) Career Tips for you 🙂

1. Never Stop Learning
One of the most powerful things to advance your career – or in any circumstance for that matter — is knowledge. Learning a new skill, a new language, or a new technique is always valuable at any stage of your Career.

2. Work On Goals
Working on goals that matter first is a great advice anyone can give you. Motivate yourself with personal tasks to achieve a goal.
Setting goals organizes your way of thinking and makes tasks more manageable for you to handle.

3. Be A Team Player
Having Team work at your workplace is extremely advantageous. Everyone appreciates a person who works well alongside other people rather than someone who works alone. This skill can be key to become a successful leader in the future.
Being a team player raises how people respect you, and at the same time, builds a strong network and relationship with your colleagues.
Traits like these affect people around you and make them act the same way.

4. Value Your Network
In addition to building a network of people you can use as connections in the future, it is vital to value them.
By valuing them, you are building a relationship that can last for a very long time.

5. Value Your Health
Above everything else, taking care of your health is one of the most important factors to advance in your career. 
Taking care of yourself is also essential to do all the things you need for work to progress and achieve your goals.

6. Speak Up
Express your ideas and speak up. Expressing yourself will often get get your fruitful results. High confidence can result in more people listening to you, and taking you more seriously.
At the same time, speaking up and being confident can mean you care about your job and you want to be reliable and responsible for your goals.

Last but not the least, check our Career Events at KI Career Service, we organize workshops, are available in drop-in sessions, and promote other Career-related tips on our newsletter that can help you achieve these 6 career tips 😉

We can’t wait to hearing from you,

Ana 😉

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