It’s a Wrap!
2024 in Review
In this post, we summarize what the bloggers have shared in 2024. From guides on thesis defense to career pathways and life in Sweden, we believe there’s something for every PhD student and early-career researcher here.
Written by Natalie von der Lehr and Vladimir Pabón Martinez
Navigating PhD Student Life
The path of a PhD student is marked by many milestones. One crucial event is the half-time seminar, which serves as an important evaluation of both the progress of the thesis and the professional development of the PhD student. Hager Saleh has shared her own experience and offers valuable practical advice.
The grand finale of each PhD journey is, of course, writing and defending the doctoral thesis. In addition to starting to write on time, there are many other practical considerations, as well as rules and regulations to keep in mind. But fear not! Luca Love (who can now call himself Dr. Love) has summed it all up and provides an insightful guide on everything you need to know and consider.
One component of the doctoral thesis is the popular science summary. Two of the bloggers have published their summaries on the blog—read more about why there isn’t a cure for HIV yet and why the pain experienced by fibromyalgia patients is not “in their head”.
Although it may feel like it, the PhD journey does not have to be a solo endeavor. There are numerous resources and opportunities to collaborate, supporting each other while gaining new skills. In a guest post, the Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship (SSES) reveals what they have to offer.
Our bloggers also share the activities they pursue outside the lab, how they make the short Swedish summer feel a little longer, and what they love about Sweden (as well as what could be improved). You can also read about the behind-the-scenes efforts involved in organizing the nightcap for the Nobel Laureates.
Life After the PhD and Postdoc
Should I stay or should I go? At some point, every PhD student and postdoc will contemplate whether to remain in academia or choose from the many other career options available. During the course “Career Skills for Scientists,” participants engage with various career pathways and conduct informational interviews to learn more about different options. Read about how a postdoc experience opened doors to Novo Nordisk, the transition of a physician to the pharmaceutical industry, how to become the Medical Manager for Sanofi in Northern Europe, and how a passion for music can lead to a career in computational biology.
Importantly, the bloggers also discuss inspiring careers within academia. Posts about Camilla Svensson, an associate professor at KI, and Carl Johan Hagströmer, a postdoc at KI, provide valuable tips and insights into their own pathways.
In an interview, research and higher education funding and policy expert Conor O’Carroll shares his thoughts on research careers and academia in general. Blogger Luca Love examines, in a series of three posts, why so many PhD students and postdocs wish to leave academia, despite their passion for science and research. Read more about the issues with academic work culture (Part 1), how the publishing system influences academic research (Part 2), and what can be done to improve academia (Part 3).
Publishing and Peer Review
In two related posts, you can delve into the challenges of open access publishing and peer review. After all, peer review and the publishing of scientific progress are foundational, and there may be a need to critically examine these processes to ensure they serve academia and academic research effectively.
Stronger Together – Building a Community
One thing is for sure: while pursuing their passion for research and science, PhD students and postdocs will likely encounter challenges and obstacles. When this happens, having a supportive community to lean on can be invaluable. There is the Doctoral Student Association (DSA) for PhD students and the KI Postdoc Association (KIPA) for postdocs, as well as unions such as SULF (The Swedish Association of University Teachers and Researchers) and Naturvetarna (the Swedish Association of Professional Scientists). Additionally, many smaller, more informal groups and communities exist. One such community is this blog, where everyone can contribute their experiences and thoughts while receiving support and advice from one another. Beyond advancing science, our bloggers aim to improve working conditions and career opportunities. By doing so, they help identify issues that need addressing now and pave the way for future generations.
Thank you to all the bloggers for sharing your thoughts and advice throughout 2024; we wish you all the best for 2025!
And thanks to all our readers; we hope you enjoy this blog!
Natalie and Vladimir