KI Internship Program – Stay Tuned!
Hej Everyone,
I have been quite “silent” these past weeks… and all because I have been quite busy organizing the Karolinska Internship Program Spring 2022 (VT22).
For those of you that may not be aware of this program: in short, the organizations provide us at KI Career Services with project proposals. There is a company mingle where you can ask questions to the hosting organizations before applying for up to three projects. The organizations proceed with interviewing the candidates and making a final selection. KI Career Service announces if you get an internship offer.
(more info can be found https://staff.ki.se/internship-projects-for-phd-students ; https://staff.ki.se/internship-projects-for-postdocs-and-early-career-researchers)
This program exists at KI since 2012 and since 2017 we have matched 223 (PhD students and postdocs & researchers)! You can be one of them in future 🙂
This call, Spring 2022, we are very happy to have more than 30 organizations offering internships (as you can see below). These range from biotech companies, consulting agencies to NGOs.
Pretty much, all topics, our researchers at KI could possibly be interested as a Career Path.
At the moment, we are waiting for the organization’s selection…and in few weeks, candidates will know if they get their selected internship! Exciting… I hope ?
I will also share in future posts feedback and from interns that got to do an internship through this program for them to tell us, and especially you, the benefits of this experience!
Check some experiences from the past internships, Positive Experience at Oriflame, Reflections from an Internship at Cartana – 10x Genomics, 3-month Internship at Vetenskapsrådet/Swedish Research Council (VR): a postdoc experience, Testing the water: my internship at VR… and many more!
Be inspired and get involved in the next call – Autumn 2022 (HT22)!
See you around
Ana Osório Oliveira